Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Being an adult is weird. But don't be mistaken; I am by no means an adult and part of me believes that you aren't an adult until you say you are. However, according to the government, I am an adult. Can you see me frowning? Cause I am.

Being an adult is weird, because I don't know half the stuff that I feel I should. It's like a switch should be flipped on your eighteenth birthday where you suddenly know all of the things your parents do about bills and... other adult stuff...

This is where I have a slight problem with public education. Do you know what I learned in high school? I learned how to use the quadratic formula and how to identify rhyme and meter in poetry. And, by God, I will never forget that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

But here are a few questions that I wish were addressed when I was in high school:

What is health insurance and how do I get it? How do you do your taxes? What is a mortgage? How do I budget? How do I live off of minimum wage while being a full time student? How do I pay off my student loans? When is it okay to actually get a student loan? Who should I pick to cosign with me? How the heck do I shop around for different plans in my insurance/cellular provider/Internet service provider? How do I transition from child to adult and remain an okay, fairly well-rounded person?

I, like many other twenty year olds, have to rely on the Internet, my parents, and a basic level of knowledge to work out being an adult. Eventually, you and I will learn how to do all the adult stuff our parents do. At the moment though, whenever I act like an adult I really just feel like I'm in that episode of Rugrats and I really just look like this:
Like a baby in a suit. Is that what you feel like? I hope I'm not the only one.

Yaknow, when I really think about it though, maybe successfully figuring out what all that "adult stuff" is, is actually the first step of being an adult. Man, that's weird. It's time for a nap now, so I'll meet you guys in an hour for snack time right?

catch you later,

"You know all that stuff like pi, algebra? Totally useless. Maths should be like, ‘This is what a mortgage is. And if you don’t pay your credit card bills, this is the prison you’ll be going to.’" //  Nick Grimshaw

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