Thursday, February 5, 2015


Do you have any friends that you don't see often but when you get together, it's like you were never apart? Those are the kind of friendships that you want in your life. Those people that you want to actively keep up with and that text or call you out of nowhere just because they were thinking about you... those kind of people are your friends. 

My mother has this insanely good judge of character. One of my best friends now was a girl that my mom had always wanted me to be close to. It wasn't until later in school that we finally got close and, now, I can see what my mother was talking about. This girl makes me a better me, which is what my mother wants -- for me to be the best version of me.

Now, it obviously works both ways. My mother has this insanely good habit of seeing bad friends before I do. She won't tell me though. She'll dislike them, but won't warn me. And when the friendship ends sour, I ask her why she didn't tell me. And she will say the same thing each time:

"You have to figure out the good from the bad."

It's hard to be able to identify good versus bad friends when you are young. Those tough friendships will teach you though. And one day you'll be able to tell which of your children's friends is up to no good. For now, I encourage you to find friends that you don't have to speak to everyday but that you always know are there. In my experience, those friends are the best ones. 

catch you later,

"True friends are always together in spirit." // L.M. Montgomery

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