Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Life is not a competition. You don't do more than other people so you have a better life. You see, our lives have been written before us. The choices you will make tomorrow have already been written down. And every person's life has been specifically designed for them.

I have been in way too many situations with people who make life into a competition, like we are constantly trying to one up one another. Have you ever seen that Saturday Night Live skit where the girl is trying to beat the other people in a rehab group? Hold on, I'll YouTube it.

I've been around way too many like Penelope. I think it's hard to be around people like that, people that want so badly to beat you at everything even if it's ridiculous. So, to those people, I just have to say give it up. Nobody cares about the competition when you are the only person competing.

catch you later,

"A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms." // Zen Shin

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