Monday, February 23, 2015


I do not understand how people could believe that your want for your mental well being could be wrong. Sometimes, the things we do for ourselves don't make sense to other people. If you are upset, you may have to dance around to Beyonce for a few hours before you can feel better. If you get upset, you may want to have a cry in the shower. If you can't do certain things, you may have to stay away from them. I want you to know that's okay. 

It's okay to do things for yourself. If people make you feel bad about the things you have to do, then don't pay them any mind. Don't look at their social media. Don't text them. Don't surround yourself with people who make you feel bad. Let bad things go, so that you have room for good things. 

Those things I've already mentioned are important -- it's important to know that you're okay -- but at the end of the day, here's something else: keep going. Never stop waking up excited to start the day. If you start off your day with good things and you think positively, you will find good in the day. You just have to keep going.

catch you later,

I must endure & endure & still endure.”// Tennessee Williams

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