Tuesday, March 24, 2015


When you were younger and people were ugly to you in school, did you ever confide in your mother? Was her response 'kill them with kindness'? I'm willing to bet that it was.

A few months ago I was going out to eat with some people and as I left the car, I saw a girl who had been so ugly to me inside of the restaurant. I panicked. I couldn't face her. Hurriedly, I told my friends I couldn't eat there, that I had to leave.

I have to be honest about this. I am really ashamed that I didn't just go in there and eat.

That girl means nothing to me now. She isn't a friend or foe to me. She is just another person with which I happen to have a history. I should have faced my fear of her and just gone inside. What would she have really done? Come up and been ugly? Of course not. She probably would have just ignored me, like I would have done her.

Instead, I ran. And here is the thing that your mother didn't tell you when you were in grade school: You cannot run from the people who are ugly to you. People will always be ugly. There will always be someone who is not your biggest fan. And you'll always have to deal with them, whether it's at school or work or within your family.

Basically, what I am telling you in a really weird messed up way, is that when people are ugly you should give yourself time to calm down. And then I want you to realize that you being ugly back to them will do nothing. It will only make you bitter and angry and mean. And you don't want to be like that, you're way too great to be one of those people.

So the next time you run into your grade school enemy, shoot them a smile. You'll feel better

catch you later,

“A man with no enemies is a man with no character.”// Paul Newman

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