Monday, April 13, 2015


I remember when I first really thought about writing as a career. I was in my junior year of high school and we were reading "Strawberry Spring" by Stephen King. That short story is one of the best short stories that I've ever read -- even surpassing "The Yellow Wallpaper," which I have always loved. My teacher was reading over some back story on Stephen King and she mentioned that he would sell short tales to his peers while in school. He actually got in some trouble for it, but it was his first real taste at writing for money and for other people. I think it always nice to remember that writers almost always write mainly for themselves -- other people reading it and liking the works is just a plus. 

When we read "Strawberry Spring," I had my first real taste of a short story with twists and turns. I really encourage everyone to take the time to read it, or anything by Stephen King. He's written many really wonderful things, not all of them horror.  I remember also finding out that Stand By Me was based on a work by Stephen King. Stand By Me is honestly one of my favorite films. I recommend it to everyone.

Anyway, I had my first actual ideas for writing for the rest of my life when we read "Strawberry Spring." I had always wanted to write, but reading that short story really inspired me to do it for real, to write for real. And now I do it everyday... It's pretty crazy how my life has moved since my junior year of high school.

catch you later,

"I can hear my wife as I write this, in the next room, crying.  She thinks I was with another woman last night. And oh dear God, I think so too." // Strawberry Spring, Stephen King

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