It is not everyday that you meet people that truly care about you. In your lifetime, you will meet a ton of people and some of them will be in your life for a very long time. Sometimes they come in and out periodically. The important thing to remember about these people is that, if they stick by you for a long time, they probably care a good deal about you. Obviously, this is not always the case. Sometimes it is just very convenient for us to be friends with certain people at certain times.
It's hard to always be able to understand why people act the way that they do, why they make the decisions that they make. When it comes down to your friends, the people that really care about you, it's hard to understand them all the time. Sometimes you figure them out quickly and sometimes you don't. I don't like math very much and I think it's because I don't always appreciate a clear and concise answer. Answers to life's questions should be a little roomy, they should be flexible because people are different.
I express my approval of and love for people through sarcasm. I don't really know why I do it -- probably a defense mechanism -- but I've acted like that my entire life. I think sometimes I should change around different people but then I don't know if I would be me... I just hope the people around me can read through the sarcasm sometimes.
catch you later,
"A healthy relationship is one where two independent people just make a
deal that they will help make the other person be the best version of
themselves."// unknown
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