Wednesday, April 29, 2015


A lot of schools are starting finals within the next couple of weeks and I know I keep bringing it up to you guys, but this is a really big time for students. I had never really had a hard time in high school with studying and keeping my grades up. College is a different story. It's not that the classes are extremely difficult; they are just really time consuming. As it so happens, many teachers try to cram in last minute papers, projects, and presentations right before finals to boost grades. Well, I like to think of them as grade boosters. Sometimes these are super easy. Sure, they take up time when I could be doing more important things (read: sleeping, eating, watching netflix) but they usually help to pump up grades before finals swing in to drop them back down.

I always though finals were a bit of a joke. At my high school, you could actually get out of taking the final if you had above a 90 in the class. Finals were a rude awakening. I did not actually get terrified about them until I had a literature teacher ask me to reread an entire semester worth of literature to prepare for the final. You can usually tell when finals are happening on a college campus. Students tend to look more haggard and overly anxious. Sometimes we all end up repeating outfits for a couple of days in a row. It's a very stressful time.

If you are in college and finals are literally right around the corner, remember to take plenty of breaks during your all-nighters. Drink lots of water and don't equate a bag of barbeque chips with dinner. Oh, and don't forget to put extra lead in your pencil. That's always a good idea. I'm wishing you all the best as you finish out the school year.

catch you later,

"Be gentle with yourself. You're doing the best you can." // anonymous

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