Friday, April 3, 2015


I'm reading Paradise Lost: Book I for a project in one of my classes and I've been trying to build myself up by reading some shortened versions before actually reading it. I'm always a bit intimidated by independent studies, mainly because I could have this entire idea settled in my mind and it could be completely wrong. This is why I've been reading the overviews; I want to have a clear picture as I am reading the actual text.

Paradise Lost is basically the Book of Genesis told from Satan's point of view. It accounts his thoughts on being banished from Heaven and what he and the other angels plan to do now. The answer to that? They plan to pervert all of God's plans. That's all I really have so far. I'm really looking forward to reading it, because it apparently is involved in the background of many novels. So as I get started reading this, -- which I plan to do this weekend -- let's have a chat about how to analyze literature by yourself. It's hard, let me tell you, but you can do it.
You will need:
  • post-it notes
  • hi-lighters [in various colors, if possible]
  • a reliable website with an overview of your text [two sites, if possible]
  • pencils/pens
  • a great attitude
If you go into this project with a negative viewpoint, it's going to be even more difficult. You can analyze text by yourself, trust me.

So, I'm going to chat about this in the way that I plan to approach my own studying of Paradise Lost. First, read an overview of the text. Reading works that are written in a different dialogue than we use regularly is difficult, so it's better to either read a few pages and then consult the overview. You could also read the overview first. I definitely don't suggest reading the original text first and then reading the overview, because it will be super difficult to find important parts later, so that you can make notes.

As you read, be sure to mark different parts of the text. If you know what to look for as far as questions or projects go, always look out for them. If you don't really have a good idea as far as the long run, mark places that seem important to you; I suggest doing this with post-its as you can move them. After you finish the text, try to get with someone in the class and discuss the reading if you can. If you cannot, try and look up some forums online. See what other people gained form the text, take note of the parts that were important to them. Find out if you agree or disagree with them. Once you have read the literature and made notes, then you are really ready for your assignment -- whatever that may be.

catch you later,

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” / Paradise Lost

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