Thursday, April 9, 2015


You should always be careful about what you say. When people tell you things that are personal or if they ask you not to share something with others, then you don't tell other people. It should go without saying that this rule does not apply if what they tell you will put them or others in danger. However, it is super important for you to be able to keep some things to yourself. I have only ever known one person who I could tell absolutely everything to, but some people are different. Some people do not feel the need to keep a lot of things to themselves or to only tell certain people. 

If people don't mind who finds out their personal stuff, you still shouldn't tell others without their permission. If someone asks you not to tell people what they've shared or if you know that they do not share information lightly, then you should not ever tell someone else what they've told you.

Basically, I think you should keep your mouth shut when it involves other people. Recently I had someone very close to me tell something that I asked them not to. I don't want this to affect our relationship, but it has. She knows an awful lot about me -- nearly, if not, everything -- and it scares me now that she might tell other people that stuff that she knows. Now, I don't really think she will because I know she feels awful about it. However, it is really upsetting to me.

So what I want you to take from this is that when you tell other people's information in a way that slightly goes against them, you should know that it will affect your relationship when they find out. And sadly, it will probably be in a negative way. It takes a long time to get over stuff like this and I'm definitely praying for the ability to let go, to forgive and forget this.

catch you later,

"Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can be only forgiven, not forgotten." // unknown

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