Sunday, May 17, 2015


This morning, my Sunday school class talked about what advice we would give to people that are just graduating high school. I was thinking about it for a bit and then I decided that I would tell them this: Do not ever be afraid to be by yourself. Now, I'm not talking about going out at night and thinking that you aren't possibly in danger if you are out late or in a scary area. I'm talking about being comfortable by yourself. 

Whether or not this has happened to you yet, there will come a time when you feel like you are by yourself. That can be a good or a bad thing; sometimes it's both. When you are alone though, you would want to be comfortable like that. It's okay to be by yourself. It's okay to enjoy your own company. I think there is a lack of independence in people in a way that we don't want to go by ourselves anywhere. Have you ever called up someone to go to the store with you? I have and it was just because I didn't want to go alone. That's kinda ridiculous.

It's hard to jump into being okay alone. You aren't really alone if you have your phone or a book. That's your crutch. And then the fear of others. People won't actually pity you when they see you alone. They won't automatically think that you are without friends. You just think that they think that. They actually don't care at all that you are eating alone; if they did, they'd come eat with you. 

So, you should embrace doing things by yourself and for yourself. No one might want to go with you to a play, movie, art show, etc. Be your own companion. Go to movies alone. Go eat alone. Go browse the mall alone. Don't be afraid to be by yourself. You learn a lot when you are alone, because you are forced to teach yourself. Do not confuse being lonely with being alone. You will learn that, while they sometimes may go hand in hand, they are very different.

catch you later,

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.” // Gautama Buddha, Sayings Of Buddha

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