Tuesday, June 23, 2015


I had a friend that said that she had no regrets; however, there were a lot of things in her past that, were they in mine, I would regret. I can't share them, obviously, since they're personal to her. The point is that regrets come in a lot of different forms and fashions. I don't have any big regrets (yet), but I do have some smaller, nearly insignificant regrets. 

I learned to shave when I was in around the fifth grade. Maybe I was around ten or eleven, maybe younger because my grandmother was alive. I'm not really sure. Anyhow, I had a friend that had just learned to shave her legs. She was the youngest of four siblings and I found her to be very influential. I wanted to be like her. So, she came over and was showing off her legs and told me that it was time for me to shave as well. I'm pretty sure that the hair on my legs wasn't any kind of problem but I believed her and decided to shave my legs. My mother was at work, so I called her up and asked if I could go ahead with the plan. I remember her telling me that she "would rather I wait for her to get home." I, being the same mule of a girl that I am now, went ahead and shaved my legs before she got home. 

To this day, I absolutely regret not learning to shave from my mother. It is so stupid to regret something like this. I have experienced many things with my mother. She teaches me something new everyday, only now it's not how to do something. She teaches me in a completely different way than she did when I was eight years old. Anyway, the thing about regrets is that they are different to every person. I happen to regret the tiny things, nearly insignificant to others. My friend didn't regret the big things or the tiny things. Now, the funny thing is that we both wouldn't change a thing about the parts of our lives that we regret or don't regret. They are what make us... us.

catch you later,

“Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are, "It might have been.” // Kurt Vonnegut

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