Alright, so I told you guys that I'm pretty excited about going back to school which is half-truth and half-lie. I am excited to go back to class, but the social aspect of college is always a bit scarier to me. I'm going in to my new school with a smaller number of friends than if I had attended somewhere else and they are all doing this year of school a bit differently than I am. So that's just a little weird for me and kinda... I don't want to say scary but that's probably the word that fits. I mean we do live in this society where you don't have to do anything by yourself, where you can usually get one person to be in the same position as you and stick to them. Then you have a support system. I sort of feel like I'm taking this next step without the support system that I've had before. So obviously it's a little scary.

What I'm trying to say is that if you are getting ready to take a big step forward, it's okay to be scared or nervous about it. Your fear will fade within a few days and you'll be fine. My granddaddy used to say that the dreading is worse than the doing. I guess that applies here too.
catch you later,
"Be kind to yourself." // unknown
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