It is no secret that I prefer European history to American history. I find that the detailed history of Europe holds my interest much more than any stories of American history. I told you all of how I was watching Spartacus last week, and I finished it yesterday. After that show, I decided to pick up Showtime's The Borgias. The Borgias is a show that details the corruption of Pope Alexander VI and his four children. I have attempted to watch the show before, but found it boring as the history did not strike an interest in me. This time, I find it all a bit differently.

It all adds up to drama, lots of death and affairs. Obviously, I enjoy it a lot. I do love a corrupted family. And Francois Arnaud that plays Cesare... I love him a lot too.
catch you later,
"We are the unholy family." // Cesare Borgia
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