Tuesday, September 1, 2015


country walks | photo by anna-malin This is just like me......One of my favorite things to do is to walk down a country road: country walks | photo by anna-malin This is just like me......One of my favorite things to do is to walk down a country roadI read an article a while ago about how God created different genders for different purposes and that the way the world works now isn't set up with God's idea of gender. I'm not saying that the person who wrote this article is wrong by any means; however, I think maybe we are looking at gender in a way that perhaps isn't conducive to us at all. Your gender is not inherently equal to your biological sex. Gender in itself was invented by society, based on the way people are depicted in the Bible and other religious texts, to put people into certain understandable categories. We, as people, like to sort things in a way that makes it easier for us to understand them. We want to know if someone is a boy or a girl -- I'm using this argument to say that there are only two genders, which is heavily debated -- or, to rudely put it, an "it." Don't get me started on you calling someone an it. If you don't call an unborn baby an "it," then you can refrain from calling a person who doesn't fit into your boxes of gender an "it." 

I don't have an actual problem with gender, but I do have a problem with what it entails when it comes to teaching our children. I don't like the idea of boy or girl toys or ways of dress. I don't like that we teach our little boys not to cry, that they have to be tough. I don't like the idea that girls have to be mothers or care-givers. We are so much more than our genitalia. You are more than the toys you played with as a child or the clothes that you wear. Clothes, toys, other inanimate objects... they don't have a gender. 

I'm not saying that the author of that article was wrong. I don't think that world is set up to view gender the way that God intended and I believe that because God doesn't see us by our gender, but by our heart. I hope my point gets across in this. I just don't like the idea of gender very much.

catch you later,

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. // Galatians 3:28 ESV

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