
Yesterday, I made time to go and see a production of Dracula, which was playing at my school. The cast was made up of well-known actors -- well, small actors but ones you've heard of before; or heard of characters they've played before. Either way, they performed the Halloween favorite in a completely different way than I have ever seen before: as if it were to be played on the radio. Each character was in full costume but used limited movement as they stood behind microphones and read out their parts. You might think this would have been very boring, but it was in fact quite the opposite. I'm just a big fan of plays in general, but if you ever have the chance to see a film put on in a "radio" style, I definitely suggest going. It's a play that satisfies all of the senses.
catch you later,
“There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights.”
// Bram Stoker,
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