Thursday, December 17, 2015


My favorite thing that I've learned as I've gotten older is that no one really washes their clothes. Washing your clothes after every wear just ruins them; they fade, stretch/shrink. They wear out before you've even been able to wear them enough. We pay a lot of money for clothes, for example I have dresses that cost about $40 bucks a piece and that's considered cheap. Okay. We play a lot of money for clothes.

And do you know what that means? That I should be able to wear that dress a ton, basically until I grow out of it. Now, obviously every now and then you have to wash your clothes.  There are a few rules for when you should wash your clothes: if you do strenuous activity in it, if you spill your food on it, if you've worn it more than five times. 

Basically, your jeans can be put in the freezer to get the gross germs off of them if you're worried about that. Your nice clothes don't need to be washed that much anyway. Use your judgement -- think twice before you throw something in the wash. 

Know that you should always wash: your pajamas and your underwear. Know also that you should hardly ever wash sweaters.

Be kind to your clothes, be kind to yourself.

catch you later,

"Clothes aren't going to change the world, the women who wear them will." // Anne Klein

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