May 25, 2016

So, hopefully I'll get on a post every two day system but no promises. My flight into Oxford was very nice! I sat next to a British man on the plane which was neat -- he never said a word, which I thought was kinda odd cause I'm a little chatterbox. Anywho, my flight had a ton of old movies, like
Gone with the Wind and
A Streetcar Named Desire. It was overall a really relaxed flight, but I was super happy when I landed.

I honestly don't even think I know that I'm in England right now. It's much different adjusting to an English speaking nation than a non-English speaking nation. When I went to Spain, it was like culture shock. In England, not so much. Everything is honestly so cute. The people, the shops, the food. Everything. I'm in love with it all. I've been taking pictures of some stuff but mostly we've been inside at orientations and little talks. We did a walking tour today and we got our cards to the Bodleian Libraries. These libraries have over 12 million books because Sir Thomas Bodley wanted to give something back to Oxford, which was his school, so he convinced the publishers to give the library a copy of every book from the year 1600 onward. So there are a ton of books here and I have access to all of them... Though I did have to swear an oath not to take out, bring in, or set fire to any books while I'm here --- which is a change, because at one time, you had to swear not to bring in goats.
I did see where Bill Clinton did not inhale the illegal substances at Turk Tavern. I also saw most of the colleges, which were built AGES ago. Everything is so old. It's insane. Like... if you think something is old in America, please rethink. My college, Christ Church, was established in 1546. That's recent here. It's insane.
So far, I'm in love. I'll let you know what it's like in the next two days.
catch you later,
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