June 15, 2016

Oh no... I got carried away and forgot to blog for five days. Will you ever forgive me? Hopefully you will, because only one of those days was really exciting. On Saturday, which would have been June 11th, we traveled about two hours to Bath. Bath is a beautiful city with some of the most beautiful architecture I've ever seen. However, we were shoulder to shoulder with tourists ha! It's sorta hard to embrace the idea of being a temporary resident which is not really a tourist while here. It's like... I live here technically -- I know my way better than any tourist ever would, that's for sure. Anyway, Bath is home to the Roman Baths which were built when the Romans lived in this area a looooong time ago and was rediscovered by the English some time later and built back up to its previous glory. The Roman Baths are probably one of the most beautiful sights in England. There are huge statues of people like Julius Caesar and these ancient ruins which used to be areas to give religious offerings. Sulis Minerva serves as the deity for the baths and people would bring her offerings so that they may be healed by the waters -- though most of them would drink the water in the baths which actually poisoned them because the water is full of lead. Interesting, right? I thought so. The baths were super fun and I really loved having a look at them.
While we were in Bath, my friend and I just walked around Bath. We got out of the square full of pigeons, the hugest seagulls you've ever seen, and street performers and walked out to the residential areas. We explored the beautiful Henrietta Park and visited the Victoria Art Gallery. We accidentally snuck into the Bath Abbey -- trust me, rule-following me had a little emotional turmoil when I found out. Anyway, Bath was a fun, but too short day out. I love the city of Bath. It's one of the nicest places I've been so far --- and it's obviously the place for me because a guy was singing Simon and Garfunkel and I love Simon and Garfunkel.

After the day in Bath, I really spent Sunday, Monday and Tuesday finishing up my paper on
For Whom the Bell Tolls. I made my second A here at Oxford, but "only just." The tutors are super harsh but I'm loving the experience. There really is no place like Oxford... However, I am missing the heat of Mississippi. Wearing a jacket in June is a weird experience. But that heat will be there when I get back, along with all of my favorite people.
I did go to evensong on Monday and saw the men's choir, which was truly gorgeous. There is no beauty like hearing people singing of the glory of Jesus and singing it beautifully in Latin. It was awesome. Anyway, I promise not to wait so long before the next post.
Also, while I am physically in Oxford, my heart is most definitely with the people of Orlando as they deal with the tragic loss of so many beautiful people. Lord, I pray You bring them comfort in their time of mourning and that You heal them in only the way that You can.
catch you later,
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