Sunday, January 11, 2015


To be honest, I'm not feeling the greatest. I've been infected with some sort of respiratory infection and I am probably dying. Not really, but you get the gist. So, today I am going to leave you with something a little different while I attempt to organize my stuff to go back to school before I have to do some major work tonight. If you are returning to school tomorrow, I wish you all the best. I hope everything works out for you in the upcoming semester. So, here we go...

Your voice is oxygen.

When you open your mouth
And words fall out,
Painting me into a picture
That only you can see
But that I feel in the bottom of my soul,
And I can breathe


I know, of course, that poetry isn't for everybody. I hated it for a long time, until I learned how to analyze it. Now, I find poetry to be one of the most beautiful art forms. If you feel differently, then perhaps you just haven't read the right poem yet. Or perhaps you just really hate poetry, which is cool too. Today, I encourage you to take time from your schedule to read something nice, even if it's just the instructions off the back of your brownie mix. 

catch you later,

"No matter what people tell you words and ideas can change the world." // Dead Poets Society

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