Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Get over it. Whatever that has been hanging over your head for the last few hours, few days -- heck, since we rang in the New Year, get over it. If something has been bothering you since 2014, get over it. Put that load down and move on. 

I know a few people have had lousy starts to the year and maybe you have too. I know I have. So, tonight, I'm telling you what I'm also telling myself: get over it. It'll make you feel loads better to just put down the negative and pick up the positive. This year has so many things to offer so we have to make sure that we are ready for it. Get over your troubles that have been hanging around for years or that have just started to really rule your life. Step up and over them and keep moving into the good things of 2015. Trust me; there will be many.
Now, I cannot leave you all just like. If you know me well, you know that I love a good boyband. So, I give you McBusted's single "Get Over It," which has inspired this post and has been playing on repeat in my car as I try to get over this infection that has taken over my head. Hopefully, we will be back to our regularly scheduled program tomorrow. For now, here's McBusted:

catch you later,

When you're down down down down down, get up and get over it. // McBusted

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