I watched a video the other day and the girl had found an old list in one of her diaries, a list of things she had hoped to accomplish by the time she was thirty. At twenty-five, she had completed most of them and attributed it to the fact that she wrote them down. And yaknow, I believe it. To have ideas swimming in your head, especially as a writer, is nothing compared to having them all written down for you to sort through and organize. So, I thought maybe I would share some of my wants/hopes/goals with you guys in the hope that they would all come true. Here goes nothing:
1. Get my PhD in English.
2. Try to make videos on YouTube for fun.
3. Go to New Orleans and eat beignets 'til I feel sick.
4. Travel the world.
5. Tour art museums.
6. Let go of the things I let hold me back.
7. Become a teacher.
8. Dye my hair a pastel color.
9. Write a book (or two or three or fifty).
10. Have a family.
11. Live in another country.
12. Write for a magazine.
13. Go to Disney World with my mother.
14. Study abroad.
15. Smile everyday.
Those are just fifteen and if I really wracked my brain, I'm sure I could write them all down for ages. But those are ones that I really would love to do, and they are all do-able. Isn't that awesome? So, today I challenge you to write down a few of your goals/wants/hopes and maybe share a few with me? I'd love to see what you guys are wanting to do so badly that you imagine it daily, that your heart aches for you to complete it. Anyway, write down what you want to achieve and keep it where you can see it. If you see it, you'll do it. And you should do it. You should do all of it.
catch you later,
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." // Henry David Thoreau
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