Monday, January 19, 2015


I have had friends who lack ambition. You probably have too. If you can't recall them at the moment, here are a few of their traits: 
  • They have the potential to be very good at something, but no drive to complete.
  • They know they should be completing a task, but do something else instead.
  • They question why you are working so hard when you could be having fun.
But that's just a few. I had a friend once that would never turn in their papers for college. They knew it was coming up. They were intelligent and knew they should be working. And they didn't do it.

If you've met me, you know what I did. "Have you turned it in yet?" "You know the due date is two weeks from now. You'll never get in if you don't do it soon." "Have you turned it in? Huh, have ya?" I'm annoying, but with love... Sorta.

See, the thing about a friend who lacks ambition -- and this is different from your friend who doesn't want to think about college right now, so is ignoring it until they have to; they need comfort and gentle pushing --  is that they don't want to do anything. They have no drive and no matter how hard you push, it won't change. You cannot motivate yourself while constantly being the only motivator for someone else.

In my mind, every one is their own motivator. If yours is not there, then there is no motivation. Now, you cannot motivate someone else and you at the same time with full energy. It is exhausting reminding someone of their potential constantly. They have to see it themselves.

So, basically, try to be the best version of you and try to encourage others. But realize that you cannot fix someone, you cannot magically make them care about certain things. You can only work on yourself. After all, you are your biggest project.

catch you later,

"When nobody else celebrates you, learn to celebrate yourself. When nobody else compliments you, then compliment yourself. It’s not up to other people to keep you encouraged. It’s up to you. Encouragement should come from the inside."// Joel Osteen

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