Tuesday, January 20, 2015


I am a big fan of the boy band One Direction and this band has a song from their second album, Take Me Home, called "Little Things." Now, in my opinion, the song is a little cringe-y. I don't like the idea of having to put up with my imperfections until someone says that I am perfect in spite of/because of them and then they are suddenly beautiful. The title, however, got me thinking. Little things add up to big things. In the song, they talk about things like talking in your sleep, the crinkles by your eyes, how much you weigh and how, when all put together, they make up the awesome person that is you.

Now, we often thing about the little things we don't like throughout the day. For example, I went to the bathroom before my class this morning and wished that my bangs weren't cut just how they are. That is a little thing. It doesn't make a big difference about me. You probably would never notice the way that my bangs are cut, until I've brought it to your attention.

Well, here are some little things that you should bring to your attention. What little things do you do daily that add up to making you a better person? That is the constant plight of humanity -- we are constantly on the search of being a better person than we are at this very moment. If you can't think of something little, here are a few of mine:

I have the Bible app on my iPhone that sends me a daily Bible verse every morning. Sometimes I read them and sometimes I don't. Now, you may not think me reading the Bible helps me as a person -- I do. So, I get them sent to me. Whether or not I read them is what makes the difference. Another example is that I will sometimes write myself little notes so I don't forget important things that someone has said to me. If you have complimented me, I've probably written what you said on a Post-It and placed it in my agenda, because it was nice and it helps me to remember to value myself when I get caught up in the world around me. 

So, besides clicking over to go listen to One Direction's "Little Things," I hope you take the time today to reflect on what you are doing to help yourself today. 

catch you later,

"Close some doors. Not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance, but simply because they no longer lead somewhere." // Paulo Coelho

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