Sunday, July 5, 2015


If you are a woman, then it is your job to protect other women. I come from a small town and I worked at a grocery store for a while. One night I had a man come in to the store and ask me if I was married and I had never been so scared. It seems silly now and probably even as you read it, but I had never been in that kind of situation, in a time where I was forced to lie to an older man because I didn't want him to come back and bother me. I knew a girl one time that got mad at me for complaining because her boyfriend's uncle terrified me. She was mad because I was scared of a sex offender. 

Women all over the world are terrified of men. I want you to understand this and know that just because you've been around good men, it doesn't mean that all girls have. Somewhere a girl half your age -- in my case, she would be ten -- is being hit on by a group of men while she walks home from school. Every night, girls are followed off of trains, buses and subways. Men follow them home from work, school or the store. And they do things that you've only ever heard about on the news or seen in a Lifetime movie.

If you are ever in a position to help another woman, please do so. A lot of the time you'll be too scared. They could come at you too. They could hurt both of you. It's hard to make that kind of decision, but I know that if I didn't help another woman when she was in need, I would spend the rest of my life regretting it. Even if it is as simple as pretending to know her, and then whispering that you've seen a guy follow her off the train while you walk into a store. Lose the man that took it upon himself to see women as an object, something he can take as he pleases. I'm not saying that all men are bad, but I am saying that you should try to protect your fellow woman. She may need you today. You may need her tomorrow. 

catch you later,

"Even to me the issue of 'stay small, sweet, quiet, and modest' sounds like an outdated problem, but the truth is that women still run into those demands whenever we find and use our voices.” // BrenĂ© Brown, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

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