Monday, October 12, 2015


What's your stance on eating alone?

I'm a big believer in it -- and by that I mean that I eat alone a lot. In college it's not that uncommon. Often times you are running from one class to another and sitting down to lunch is a big commitment when you only have thirty minutes. So I usually eat alone, and I really like eating outside but a lot of people don't like that. So I'm used to spending my meals alone and I'm cool with it too.

Anyway, I elected to eat my Pizza Hut in the union today because I didn't really feel like eating half-cold pizza after walking back to my dorm. So, as I normally do, I found a YouTube video to watch, put my headphones in and started in on my cheese pizza. I was only one slice in when this guy came up to my table. Now, usually someone wants to take one of my chairs. No big deal. I'm one person at a four person table; please take my chair for your larger-than-life friend group. No biggie. I looked up to nod my okay and then he sat down. 

He sat down.

I was perplexed. What the heck, dude? I'm trying to enjoy my pizza with a little Zoella on my phone and you've interrupted my therapeutic twenty minute meal before I have to go back to my dorm and face the studying for the midterm that I have tomorrow. He then waited for me to take out my headphones and start a conversation with him. He asked where I was from, if I had any siblings, showed me pictures of his siblings on Facebook... It was weird. All of it felt very weird. 

After about eight minutes, I closed my pizza box with three cold slices still inside and told them that I had class at five, that I had to go. Now, don't think that I was rude. I wasn't at all. I said it was nice to meet him and then I got the heck outta there. Don't get me wrong; I'm not opposed to making new friends but when I have my headphones in and I'm clearly choosing to eat alone, I don't need you to rescue me -- especially if we've never met before. Oh, and wearing your headphones in public is literally the same as wearing a sign that says "Do not talk to me." Anyway, I ended up eating my cold pizza alone in my dorm room.

catch you later,

“Read a thousand books and your words will flow like a river." // Virginia Wool

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