Monday, March 30, 2015


I don't like when people devalue women. I did my senior project in high school on the women's roles during the Civil War, because it was important to me that people realized that, even when women weren't legally permitted to fight, they still did everything that they could to aid people around them. I know that men supposedly have built up our country -- that they are the ones who started everything we have, but the world rests on the shoulders of women. I'll tell you why.

Without men, there are no women. Women birth the future generations. We raise our children to understand the world for what it is and what it isn't. We enable our sons and (attempt to) encourage our daughters. Men have built our past but women are building our future.

Here is some truth that I want to drop on you real quick: women are literally the best thing that God ever created. Our bodies create new life; in our bodies we hold the potential of new generations. Rupi and Prabh Kaur are two sisters that approached the public view of female bodies and their magnificence in a series of photographs that they titled "Period." 

To the left is one of their photos, that stresses the beauty of the "ugly" parts of femininity. In the context behind the pictures, the sisters wrote this:
"in older civilizations this blood was considered holy. in some it still is. but a majority of people. societies. and communities shun this natural process. some are more comfortable with the pornification of women. the sexualization of women. the violence and degradation of women than this. they cannot be bothered to express their disgust about all that. but will be angered and bothered by this."
I think it is time that we start loving the parts of women that we don't think are pretty and instead focus on the negativity that we face for it. We should be more disgusted by the violence that women face, and less disgusted with their natural body processes. Love women for everything they go through, because at the end of the day, they went through all of it so that they could create you.

catch you later,

"A woman is a school. If you teach her, you teach an entire generation." // The Light in Her Eyes (2011)

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