Saturday, February 28, 2015


It's Saturday and you know what that means! Here's what you missed on Glee (plus how I feel about it).

Mason has a crush on Jane but his sister is super controlling. At the same time, gay jock -- I can't remember his name and I don't like his character -- has a crush on Roderick's only friend. This friend happens to look much too old to be in high school. It was quite odd. Mason attempts to enlist Roderick's help so that he can duet with Jane instead of his sister. GayJock also wants Roderick's help so that he can get with the guy who is way too old for high school. Oh the drama of high school kids. Obviously, it all works out.

Sue has taken on a new BFF, a twelve year old getting ready for his bar mitzvah, because she needs a few things from his uncle, who is head of the school board. What a plot. Myron, the twelve year old, is a great performer and wants to enlist the Glee club as he into to his dance number while also using them as back up dancers. Myron was a bit of a pain -- as most twelve years old can be.

In the end, everyone is happy. It was a weird sort-of stand alone episode, except Sue obviously still wants to destroy the Glee club. (Did you read that in her voice? I definitely wrote it in her voice.) 

Also, it's three episodes to the end. Even though Glee is an aggravating show, I'm not sure I'm ready for it to end. Oh no...

catch you later,

"I'd like your feedback as to whether I was brilliant or simply outstanding." // Rachel Berry

Friday, February 27, 2015


One of the most awful things to me is that women are still not considered equal to men. I was listening to the news this morning and a 90 year old lady was sharing her story. When she finished high school, she wanted to go to college but her chosen field of study was only open to men. She did not have any options for school, so she was left to chose another career. Now, at ninety-something, she is finally being given the chance to fulfill her dreams, with women that are nearly forty years her junior. 

While this lady is able to finally live out her dreams, women still have troubles convincing their peers that they can do everything that men could do. Well, if you face this problem, you have only one solution. I'll let Emma Watson reveal it to you.

I think at this point, if you are a woman, then it is always your responsibility to show that no matter what you want to do, that you are just as worthy as men are -- of everything. Remember that next time someone says you aren't able to or aren't supposed to do something.

catch you later,

“Fear, to a great extent, is born of a story we tell ourselves, and so I chose to tell myself a different story from the one women are told. I decided I was safe. I was strong. I was brave. Nothing could vanquish me. Insisting on this story was a form of mind control, but for the most part, it worked.” // Cheryl Strayed

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Last night, I saw a film that resonated with me in the funniest way. Boyhood is a movie that was filmed over a twelve year period, following the same people throughout that time as the main character, Mason, takes the journey from boy to man. As I was watching, I could easily identify the age of Mason because I had been through the same areas of pop culture. Boyhood is the perfect film for people who are around nineteen to twenty-two. Those people have been through the same trials and tribulations as Mason. His struggles of boyhood with resonate with you. Trust me. 

I often talk about how unique and different that you are, and while I do believe that, there are similar struggles that people face. Mason and his sister face abusive parents, bullying, and all of the other problems that many children have faced by the time they turn eighteen. Boyhood ends with Mason beginning college and, right now, many people that are starting at a university will identify with him heavily. I definitely think that you should make a trip to redbox and watch this. It's worth it.

catch you later,

"I mean, I just wanna be able to do anything I want, because it makes me feel alive." // Mason, Boyhood

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Normally, I spend these blogs talking about how much potential you have and how wonderful you are -- and that's all true -- but today, it snowed three plus inches in my hometown. So instead of writing a lot today, I thought I might share my snow day pictures. 

Now, there are some things you all might not know about me. I love looking at old pictures -- like really love it. I don't have a lot of pictures of my grandmother or my mother available to me, but I do have a few of her and my grandfather posing in the snow. Obviously, I semi-recreated it.

catch you later,

"Some things are more precious because they don't last long." // Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Do you ever imagine what your life might be like? Have you imagined your wedding, taking your kids to soccer practice, dying with your spouse like in The Notebook? Or do you not like to think about it because it always happens to be picturesque? Even though our futures may not include making over 50k a year or having a house in the suburbs with 2.5 kids, they are still ours. And you have every right, at eighty-five, to be very proud of everything you have done. If all you've achieved is a citizenship award in grade school, then it was well deserved.

Basically, you're worthy of awesome things. You will do some awesome things. I just want you to remember that when it is the worst day ever and you wear the same outfit for three days. 

You were built to conquer. You were made to be unstoppable. Don't let anyone deter you. Don't let someone tell you that you can't or that you won't. If you want and you work, you will. 

catch you later,

"The secret to having it all is knowing you already do." // unknown

Monday, February 23, 2015


I do not understand how people could believe that your want for your mental well being could be wrong. Sometimes, the things we do for ourselves don't make sense to other people. If you are upset, you may have to dance around to Beyonce for a few hours before you can feel better. If you get upset, you may want to have a cry in the shower. If you can't do certain things, you may have to stay away from them. I want you to know that's okay. 

It's okay to do things for yourself. If people make you feel bad about the things you have to do, then don't pay them any mind. Don't look at their social media. Don't text them. Don't surround yourself with people who make you feel bad. Let bad things go, so that you have room for good things. 

Those things I've already mentioned are important -- it's important to know that you're okay -- but at the end of the day, here's something else: keep going. Never stop waking up excited to start the day. If you start off your day with good things and you think positively, you will find good in the day. You just have to keep going.

catch you later,

I must endure & endure & still endure.”// Tennessee Williams

Sunday, February 22, 2015


I struggle a lot with being the bigger person. I often let things get to me and then I leave them to dwell and fester until I'm overwhelmed by anger. It's a really awful thing. However, there are some cases where you cannot confront someone. My mother, actually, often tells me not to confront people. Usually, people will let things go -- unless they hold grudges well. I happen to hold grudges well.

I am sad to say that I inherited my grandmother's cold shoulder and not my mother's forgiving heart.

I'm working on it, though. I'm working on forgiving people and letting things go. Sometimes you have to let people be how they wish to be, whether it be good or bad. Usually if someone wants to be mad, they are going to be mad. Forgiveness is not a part of human nature. You have to actively try to forgive someone in order to find peace with them. Maybe it's not just me that needs to learn that. Maybe the person that is at the root of my anger should learn that too. 

catch you later,

"Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much." // Oscar Wilde

Saturday, February 21, 2015


The Glee crew returns in Indiana, instead of Ohio, this week. (Because gay marriage isn't legal in Ohio.) Kurt suggests Burt to officiate the wedding. I actually enjoyed the first part of the episode because I love wedding dresses. Brittany freaks out because Santana sees in her wedding dress before the ceremony. I love wedding planning, so this was all enjoyable. Kurt is still dating that weird old guy. Thankfully, he breaks up with him early on. Maybe Blaine will work up the guts so they can get it together. KURT AND BLAINE ARE BACK TOGETHER. Well, that was quick.

This was a big part of the episode, truly. Tina also plans to ask Mike Chang to marry her now. CoughDUMBCough. They've also started styling Tina to look more like Rachel, which is weird.

Everyone looks beautiful at the wedding. I want to be at that wedding, cause it's so cute. The picture that Blaine and Kurt take together is adorable as well. I'm in love with this episode. Santana and Brittany both look gorgeous in their wedding dresses. Seeing them both dressed reminded me of the Friends episode when Monica, Phoebe, and Rachel all wear wedding dressing. Also, Santana's abuela shows up, which is very nice.

Brittany wants Kurt and Blaine to get married as well. Blaine gives in much easier than Kurt, but from the moment it was suggest, you could tell that was going to happen. Mercedes and Artie sings as they walk down the aisle -- ALSO, I will never get over Puck in his uniform. I actually cried during the wedding. I have no idea what happened. I always get emotional when Rachel gets emotional. Burt, as always, comes in with his beautiful speech. Also, their vows were gorgeous. Tina does propose to Mike and he says no. Gloria Estefan proves to be as good as she once was known to be.

This episode was what I've been hoping for all season. Everyone was happy and it was great.

catch you later,

"Prejudice is just ignorant."  // Blaine Anderson

Friday, February 20, 2015


I do not really like the part of romance that suggest that one cannot be happy without a partner. This may come as a surprise to you, but you are not half of a person. Do you even know where this idea came from?

"According to Greek Mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate beings, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves." (Plato's The Symposium)

Now, do I believe that you can find someone and they can pull the positives within you to your surface? Do I believe that someone can show you the abilities that you were blind to? Yes, I do. I believe fully that someone can do those things. However, I also believe that someone who does that isn't always your "soulmate."

We don't really have soulmates. We are meant to meet the people we meet and learn from our interactions with them, whether the lessons are good or bad ones. At the end of the day, however, you will still be you. You can make yourself happy. You can please yourself. You can find happiness by yourself. And maybe you should attempt to do those things, before you attempt to do them with someone else. 

catch you later,

"I’m not searching for my other half because I’m not a half.” // unknown.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


We return to Dorian to find that he has a new fixation with all things lovely. He begins to collect stones and jewels that he has read are connected to those worn by royalty around the world. When he grows tired of that, he turns to an obsession with tapestries and then with things related to the Church. In one line, it seems that Dorian has thrown himself so deeply into these minute pleasures to stave off the pleasures of the flesh and the deformation of his portrait. 

Dorian runs away for a bit in an attempt to leave his dreaded painting behind. He lives in France with Lord Henry and while away, the people of England invent wild rumors of him fighting and consorting with thieves. However, people still seem fascinated with him when he reappears. He remains an enigma to the people of England. Until his corruption of his friends becomes known to the people in town.

Dorian is left to face up to all of his sins every time that he observes his painting, though he kills the painter in an attempt to kill the curse. He is taunted by Lord Henry's reminders that people who are ugly on the inside are always ugly on the outside until eventually, he cracks.

Have you ever wished to view yourself from another's eyes? Dorian is granted this privilege. In the end of the novel, he kills himself when he stabs the painting. While others were able to view the corruption and sin of others on the outside, Dorian was forced to constantly see the sin and shame within him. His knowledge of his disgrace brings his death.

I've missed reading for pleasure. I'll definitely be doing it again soon.

catch you later,

“Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic.”// The Picture of Dorian Gray

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Dorian Gray is a man of wealth and beauty. In his young age, he is painted by a close friend and an enchantment is placed upon this painting when Dorian says, " If it were I who was to be always young, and the picture that was to grow old! For that -- for that -- I would give everything! Yes, there is nothing in the whole world I would not give! I would give my soul for that!" Later, Dorian understands that by merely uttering those words, he has given up the beauty of his painting and of his soul, but setting such a spell upon himself. He notices after the death of Sibyl Vane that his portrait has been disturbed by his outward sin. 

Dorian becomes obsessed with the portrait and with his own sin. He fears people seeing the painting and knowing his true nature. Dorian is afraid, that after so many years of awe and adoration from those around him that he will suddenly be seen as what he is -- their equal.

So far in my reading -- I'm only about 3/4 the way in -- I have one thing to take away from The Picture of Dorian Gray. Every person, no matter how beautiful they may be, has darkness and sin within them. Though you may not see it in their outward appearance, it is there.

Tomorrow, I'll finish the book and give you my final feelings on it.

catch you later,

“Nowadays most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes.” // The Picture of Dorian Gray

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Everyone has a purpose. We have not been created just to roam the earth for a few years before dying. Life is not just the stuff that happens between our birth and our death. Life is made up of the things that we do, the people that we meet, the love that we make and the happiness we experience. Sometimes, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day monotony of life; however, these are the times when we have to remember that our purpose, the reason for our creation is coming along.

There are times, of course, where you question how big your purpose is. Maybe you won't achieve the greatness of Nelson Mandela or the prestige of Lucille Ball but you will achieve something. Even if you were created to be a positive source of energy for the people around you and you will do nothing grand or terribly exciting in other people's eyes -- you were still here for a purpose. You have achieved the greatness and the prestige that you alone were meant for. 

Everyone has a purpose. It just takes a minute to find it, so you better start looking. And while you are looking, don't get caught up in your day-to-day life wishing that you were somewhere warmer or colder or sunnier, because where you are right now is all a part of your plan, of your purpose.

catch you later,

Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created. // Esther 4:14

Monday, February 16, 2015



Lately, I've been really craving Disney World. The other day I even caught myself watching point of view videos of the roller coasters in Disney World. So, why not have a #memoryMonday with a few pictures and remember that time I went to Disney World? It was pretty magical.

I went to Disney World for the first time on a band trip. I've never been so excited for something. I met so many characters and rode so many wonderful roller coasters. I felt just like a little girl again. It was probably one of the most exciting times of my life. No wonder I can't wait to go back.

catch you later,

"All you need is a little faith, trust and pixie dust." // Peter Pan

Sunday, February 15, 2015


When you think of me, what words come to mind? There are a lot of words that I can stack on to my name. It's just like when I was in high school and we had the option to put the list of our organizations and groups under our name and picture in the yearbook. When people picture you or see you out, they will always immediately think of something that describes you. 

That's why it is so important to be kind. You don't want someone to see you out and be like "oh, there's that mean kid again" yaknow?

So, here's another spin. When you look at yourself in the mirror or are asked to describe yourself, what do you think about yourself? I always struggle with describing myself. I've had many blessings, many successes but none of them really matter when I have to look at myself.

The sermon at my church this morning was about Paul and the definition of him. Paul counted all of his descriptions and his success as loss when it came to being with the Lord. Nothing could ever compare to his relationship with the Lord. Nothing will ever make you feel as fulfilled and joyful as having a relationship with the Lord. So basically, what I really want to know is what do you want people to see or think of when they think of you? And what do you want to think of when you look at yourself?

catch you later,

What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ. //  Philippians 3:8 NIV

Saturday, February 14, 2015


Once again we must talk about Glee. I don't know if I just have a lot going on right now or what, but I've been slightly disinterested in Glee. But we'll talk about it anyway.

The Glee club is doing a week project with a Wheel of Fortune spin (literally). Rachel is struggling with the fact that her house has been sold. Coach Beiste  is back to school as a man, so I'm going to refer to him with male pronouns until Glee changes the story line again. And Will is dealing with the fact that Vocal Adrenaline hate him.

Will brings back Mercedes #2 to perform an awful version of some Macklemore song for Vocal Adrenaline to promote tolerance. The kids are spurred to harass Coach Beiste to get Schuester to leave. We finally get to see Emma again -- in a gorgeous nightgown -- and she tries to inspire Will to get back on track.

Kurt fixes the Wheel of Song Partners so that he's paired with Blaine, because he definitely wants them back together. And the best scene was the one where they all sang together in the basement in Rachel's house again. That was the best part of the episode. Sam and Rachel retire back to Rachel's bedroom for what everyone hoped would bring the budding of a new relationship. AND IT DID. This may have been the best part of the episode. 

Kurt and Blaine sing "Somebody Loves You" by Betty Who (which I will definitely download later) after Mercedes and Roderick sing "All About that Bass." The entirety of the New Directions (plus) in Rachel's house was the best part of the episode. Blaine and Kurt kiss, by the way, and then Blaine runs. EEK.

Then Rachel sings "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper with Sam and it was wonderful. Blaine and Karofsky break up and Blaine is going after Kurt again. Kurt is still with that old man. Uh Oh.

I actually look forward to next week's episode. Hm.

catch you later,

"My gold stars are a metaphor for me being a star." // Rachel Berry

Friday, February 13, 2015


Imagine this:

You are standing with a group of people and you have a lot of things in your arms. You're just standing there, when suddenly someone calls your name and they need to give you something else. When you look down, there's no room for anything else. You begin to panic. Where are you going to fit something else? There's no room for another thing. When suddenly, someone taps your shoulder, holds their hands out and says "Hey, I'll hold that and then I'll help you sort through these things to fit them better. It may not be perfect, but I'll help you." 

Okay, so have you ever been in a situation like that? Or have you been in a similar situation but with no kind person? What about if you imagine this situation with things you cannot touch? 

I've been in a situation like that before; whether it was physical or not. And when it's not physical, but mental, I have to take a second and remember that God has His hands out to catch my worries and fears and to replace them with faith.

So basically, what I am saying is that you can keep trying to juggle everything by yourself or you can hand it over to God and let Him help you carry the load. Think about it.

catch you later,

"In the multitude of my anxieties, your comforts delight my soul." // Psalm 94:19

Thursday, February 12, 2015


When you were younger, did your parents ever tell you to smile a lot? My mother used to tell me to smile all the time and it drove me crazy but then you think about that one quote that talks about your smile may be the only one that someone sees today. I've thought about that before when I do smile at people just because I'm in a nice mood and I wanted to do it. You never really think about what other people are going through, because we get so caught up in our own lives. 

Let me tell you something. The people that sit next to you in class and that you pass in the cafeteria or in traffic or the people that you have only ever seen one time on campus or at work -- those people all have their own issues. They are fighting their own battles with different enemies, maybe the same ones that you have, and they need you to be just as nice to them as you would want them to be to you.

So, during the rest of this week and into next, try to take a moment to say a few kind words to the people around you -- even if you don't actually like their jacket -- because it will brighten their day if even for a few fleeting moments. Think about it. When is the last time you complained about a compliment?

I'll leave you with some words that a teacher I had in high school used to say before we would leave: Be sweet!

catch you later,

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." // Maya Angelou

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Life is not a competition. You don't do more than other people so you have a better life. You see, our lives have been written before us. The choices you will make tomorrow have already been written down. And every person's life has been specifically designed for them.

I have been in way too many situations with people who make life into a competition, like we are constantly trying to one up one another. Have you ever seen that Saturday Night Live skit where the girl is trying to beat the other people in a rehab group? Hold on, I'll YouTube it.

I've been around way too many like Penelope. I think it's hard to be around people like that, people that want so badly to beat you at everything even if it's ridiculous. So, to those people, I just have to say give it up. Nobody cares about the competition when you are the only person competing.

catch you later,

"A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms." // Zen Shin

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


There are things that I have to remind myself of on a daily basis. I am so incredibly grateful to be in the place that I am today, but some days it is hard to remember all the great things when the day is constantly going wrong. I think that there has to be a point when you tell yourself that you have to stop certain things and change your path to get back to where you originally wanted to go when you woke up that morning. There are plenty of times when I leave my dorm to go class and the only thing I want to do is go back inside and stay in bed for the day. 

My mother likes to watch the shows with people like Joel Osteen, who give you encouragement on your walk through life. I once overheard one of these shows and a man was telling the audience that, in a time of strife or trouble, to tell yourself this phrase: "These things will not move me." And then you should repeat with each word emphasized each time. So, I tried it. I've said it aloud to myself in the car, in my head, and even when I'm seeing things on my Twitter feed. It takes one small thing to ruin our mood or our day, but it takes an even smaller phrase to help you turn it around.

So, I think there has to be this moment, when your day has started off bad and just continued to go downhill where you close your eyes and remind yourself that you are in control of how your day goes. You are the one in charge of your mood and attitude. If you see bad, you'll get bad. If you see the good, you never know what wonderful things are waiting on you.

catch you later,
"Keep your face towards the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you." // Walt Whitman

Monday, February 9, 2015


If you are a woman reading this blog, do you ever feel that you've been wronged by society? I had topics in multiple classes today that dealt with the way that society views women. Like most girls, I grew up watching Disney movies -- the first one being Snow White. She has remained my favorite Disney princess, simply because I like her the best. I like the seven dwarfs, the creepy animated vultures, the handsome prince that kinda looks like he's wearing makeup. I love all of it. Today, I was challenged by a teacher to see if Disney had warped my view of my own ability when I was a little girl.

Now, I have to tell you that I have a ten year plan. I was taught, not only by my mother, but by my teachers that goals are very important. Without goals, you don't really know where you are going or how you are going to get there. In my ten year plan, I hope to get married and have my first baby. I'll be thirty in ten years. This is something that could very well happen. Do you think that I only want to be married and have children because Disney taught me that that is what I, as a woman, am meant to do? 

Answer: NO.

I want those things, because I do. I know girls that are the same age as me, that grew up on the same Disney films and don't want those things. We aren't waiting around for a man (Snow White, Rapunzel). We aren't changing ourselves for boys (Ariel, Pocahontas). We aren't blinding our step sisters for a chance at a prince (Cinderella). 

So, teacher, I have to let you know that Disney did not ruin my childhood. The only thing that Disney did for me was offer me entertainment. These princesses forced nothing on me but higher expectations of my hair and my clothes. Maybe, those come when I find my Prince Charming.

catch you later,

"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. " // Walt Disney

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Do you know what really grinds my gears? I'll tell you -- I hate it when people hop from person to person. I have to let you know that you can never truly find yourself in another person. Have you ever read a "coming of age" novel? I remember being a freshman in high school and reading "Catcher in the Rye" for my English class. Halfway through the novel, I had to go to my teacher and ask her what the book was about because Holden Caulfield could never seem to figure out where his life was going. One minute he was at school and then he was out with a prostitute and then he was sneaking into his younger sister's bedroom window... Anyway, I just have a lot of problems with that novel. 

art by M.S. Corley

What I'm getting at is that Holden kept trying to find himself in different ways -- by being a student, by being a brother, etc. He kept trying to find himself through his relationships with other people. At the end of the novel do you know what happens to Holden Caulfield? Me neither. I can't remember because Holden never became his own person to me. He was never a distinct individual -- he became what he hated. Holden was a phony because he was never able to be himself.

If you attempt to find yourself by assimilating, you are never truly yourself. You can't be yourself while you're trying to be another person. You'll never be able to get it quite right.

catch you later,

"I like it when somebody gets excited about something. It's nice." // Holden Caulfield

Saturday, February 7, 2015


This week I had a lot of things going on while Glee was on, so I only watched half of it between writing down classes and talking about scholarships. Here is my opinion on what I did catch:

Brittany's dad is Stephen Hawking -- Yeah right! -- and that's why she's a genius. She and Santana are still engaged, and Brittany sets out on a quest to get Santana's abuela (grandmother) to come to their Heaven themed wedding. Did I mention that Artie is their wedding planner? Explain Brittany's thought process to me. I didn't watch long enough to really see if Santana's grandmother would come to the wedding, but my mother said that she wouldn't come. So, I'm going to stick to that. I'm sure, with it being Glee, that she will come around by the time the wedding gets here.

Mercedes is back to convince Rachel to attend an audition in New York. The Glee club embarks on a mission to make Rachel miss New York so that she will get back to her roots. In the end she does. She decides to return to New York and audition for hopefully a more successful second round. 

Maybe next week when Glee is on, I'll actually be interested in it. This week, however, left me wanting. I just want Rachel and Sam to get together for a while, to be honest. When is that going to finally happen?

catch you later,

"The biggest limits are the ones you make for yourself." // Lea Michele

Friday, February 6, 2015


This morning I had a teacher ask the class if we liked pears. He then went on to tell of how much he disliked them due to their gritty texture. It reminded me of how much I don't like pears. However, I do not like pears, not because of the gritty texture, but because I once had a babysitter with a pear tree in her backyard. And during the late summer we would always have to go and help her pick the pears. That is why I dislike pears. 

When my teacher told this story, it reminded me of how we are all different in our reasons for liking and disliking things. It's funny to me how we are affected by the things that happen to us as children. The smallest things can affect us forever. I think our distrust with food must come when our parents feed us a lemon the first time; however, that's beside the point.

I can go on and on about how we are all different people with different thoughts and different experiences. However, there are things that you cannot let affect you in certain ways. In our lives, we will face different hurtles and how we react is a test to our character. Now, how we react in public and private could be very different, but how we allow these circumstances to affect us as a person is what matters. So, as you go into facing tests and obstacles, remember that what happened is not what is important. It is how you react and change that matters.

catch you later,

"Life is ten percent of what happens to me and ninety percent of how I react to it." // John Maxwell

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Do you have any friends that you don't see often but when you get together, it's like you were never apart? Those are the kind of friendships that you want in your life. Those people that you want to actively keep up with and that text or call you out of nowhere just because they were thinking about you... those kind of people are your friends. 

My mother has this insanely good judge of character. One of my best friends now was a girl that my mom had always wanted me to be close to. It wasn't until later in school that we finally got close and, now, I can see what my mother was talking about. This girl makes me a better me, which is what my mother wants -- for me to be the best version of me.

Now, it obviously works both ways. My mother has this insanely good habit of seeing bad friends before I do. She won't tell me though. She'll dislike them, but won't warn me. And when the friendship ends sour, I ask her why she didn't tell me. And she will say the same thing each time:

"You have to figure out the good from the bad."

It's hard to be able to identify good versus bad friends when you are young. Those tough friendships will teach you though. And one day you'll be able to tell which of your children's friends is up to no good. For now, I encourage you to find friends that you don't have to speak to everyday but that you always know are there. In my experience, those friends are the best ones. 

catch you later,

"True friends are always together in spirit." // L.M. Montgomery

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


I got some information today that has kind of put my entire ten year plan down the drain. I don't really know what to say about it. To be honest, I guess that's just life -- or if you're like me, I'm convinced that the Lord is showing me an alternate path. Sometimes you can spend a long time doing one thing and that morphs into what you are meant to be doing.

That's how I feel these past two years have been. I feel like the Lord has been leading me to this moment of complete chaos inside my head, just so that I can be reminded to trust Him to guide me where I'm supposed to be. 

I pray that I'm able to go where He is leading me.

catch you later,

"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'." // Erma Bombeck

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


When you were little did your parents ever remind you that the world actually did not revolve around you? My mother had to do this a lot when I was little, and then life started to remind me that it was not all about me. In families, it's often true that one member of the family is focused on more than others. Now, this probably isn't true for people with siblings. For only children, it is. The focus stays on that child, because it's not required anywhere else. 

Anyway, life has once again reminded me that I am not the center of the universe. My universe, yes; but not the one we all share. I don't really struggle with needing attention like I did when I was a young girl, but I do often have to be reminded that the world wasn't made to accommodate me -- that I will not get everything I want. And neither will you.

What's that song? "You can't always get what you want." Who sang that? Do you remember? 

I don't, but it's true. You don't always get what you want, but sometimes you'll find that you get what you need. So in the meantime, I'm gonna pray for peace with the way the world works.

catch you later,

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. // Philippians 4:7 KJV

Monday, February 2, 2015


Here's something shocking to start off the week:

You are who you choose to hang around. If you are around bad people, you will eventually turn into a bad person. If you hang with good people, then you will be a better person. It's a matter of adjusting to your habitat. 

It's hard to acknowledge that thought sometimes, until we are realizing that we have changed as people. For example, if I hang around a lot of people who curse, then I will curse. I've noticed before that I've begun cursing more with certain people. I notice a lot of things about me change around certain people. When I start to notice these kind of things, I realize that I have to make adjustments. 

Sometimes this means I have to break friendships, or back off of close friendships because those people affect me negatively. I read on Pinterest that "what you allow is what will continue." Sometimes, you have to ask yourself if who you are now is who you want to be tomorrow...

catch you later,

And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell. // Matthew 5:30 ESV

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Have I mentioned before how big a fan I am of Elvis Presley? When I was seven years old, Lilo and Stitch came out. My mother, being a huge fan of Elvis Presley, took me to the theater to watch the film. We went back five more times. I fell in love with the movie and Elvis Presley along with it.

There was something so magical about him. For my eighth birthday, my mother planned a trip to Graceland. We went back for my ninth birthday as well. There is this air about Elvis Presley that draws you in. He's a beautiful man with an even more beautiful voice.

There are a lot of embarrassing stories surrounding my love for Elvis -- including a tape of me singing "That's Alright Mama" -- but there are also a lot of wonderful memories around him. My grandmother went to Graceland with us and she loved him just as much as my mother and I did. We were a family of Elvis fanatics. But how could you not be a fan of him? Have you seen his face? Heard his gospel music? He's the best man I've ever seen -- truly.

As far as first crushes go, Elvis Presley was a pretty good pick.

catch you later,

"When things go bad, don't go with them." // Elvis Presley