Thursday, April 30, 2015


It's been a while since I did a throwback Thursday, so I thought we were due for one. These gems are from my fourth birthday. I don't remember my fourth birthday, but I apparently had more friends when I was four than I do now. My mom worked in retail then, so I guess she's the reason behind the Calvin Klein t-shirt. I had Rugrats plates and a yellow cake with chocolate icing. Someone plan the same stuff for my 21st okay? 

My kitchen literally looks the exact same, except for an updated back door. I even still sit in that high chair. As I was saying, I can't exactly remember my fourth birthday, but by the look on 
my face I was obviously having the time of my life.

catch you later,

“When we are children we seldom think of the future. This innocence leaves us free to enjoy ourselves as few adults can. The day we fret about the future is the day we leave our childhood behind.”// Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


A lot of schools are starting finals within the next couple of weeks and I know I keep bringing it up to you guys, but this is a really big time for students. I had never really had a hard time in high school with studying and keeping my grades up. College is a different story. It's not that the classes are extremely difficult; they are just really time consuming. As it so happens, many teachers try to cram in last minute papers, projects, and presentations right before finals to boost grades. Well, I like to think of them as grade boosters. Sometimes these are super easy. Sure, they take up time when I could be doing more important things (read: sleeping, eating, watching netflix) but they usually help to pump up grades before finals swing in to drop them back down.

I always though finals were a bit of a joke. At my high school, you could actually get out of taking the final if you had above a 90 in the class. Finals were a rude awakening. I did not actually get terrified about them until I had a literature teacher ask me to reread an entire semester worth of literature to prepare for the final. You can usually tell when finals are happening on a college campus. Students tend to look more haggard and overly anxious. Sometimes we all end up repeating outfits for a couple of days in a row. It's a very stressful time.

If you are in college and finals are literally right around the corner, remember to take plenty of breaks during your all-nighters. Drink lots of water and don't equate a bag of barbeque chips with dinner. Oh, and don't forget to put extra lead in your pencil. That's always a good idea. I'm wishing you all the best as you finish out the school year.

catch you later,

"Be gentle with yourself. You're doing the best you can." // anonymous

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Sometimes you have to drop everything and do something fun. Tonight I had a ton of homework to catch up on and I had really planned to make a start on it. Then I got a text from one of my friends asking if I wanted to go eat with some other friends. Guess which one I chose?

While I'll be staying up super late to finish my homework now, I still got to have some fun in between Spanish and physical science. Last year -- even maybe last semester -- I would have turned down this offer because I would want to put my homework first and then hang out by myself. I would go to bed early. While going to bed early is great and doing your homework early is great, going out and having a good time is also great. There are going to be a lot of times when you can say no to people. You can say no all the time. How often do you think you say yes?

I used to say no all the time. Do you know what happens when you keep telling someone no? They stop asking. There was a point a couple of years ago when I just decided to start doing stuff, to say yes to people more often. Sometimes I say yes too much and end up wishing I had said no instead. You can't say yes to everything, but you can say yes to a lot of things and you should. 

catch you later,

"The future depends on what you do today." // Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, April 27, 2015


Today was so crazy. I got lost right off the bat, walked up a lot of stairs and then signed up for a bunch of classes that I am very excited to take. Taking big steps into a place or area of life that you are unfamiliar with is terrifying and exciting all at once. We've talked about changed before, I believe, and it's always a scary thing to approach. I'm quite scared about these next few steps in my life, mainly living more than forty minutes from my mother. There are a lot of new things coming into my life right now, but while I am scared, I am also majorly thrilled about these new things. 
If you are getting ready to move from high school to college, or from college to college like I am,
then you know how crazy this time is. I would be majorly content to just stay where I am now, but there are just some things that I have to get ready to do next. While moving to a new phase in life can be a really scary time, it's also a time to look at all the accomplishments that you've had so far and get super excited for the ones to come. Trust me; there are a lot of exciting things to come.

During this time of change you should do a couple of things: 
  • drink a lot of water
  • do some breathing excercises
  • acknowledge your limits
Now that you've done all of that... Suck it up. There are gonna be a ton of times in life where you are uncomfortable. Get used to getting out of your comfort zone.  Learn to move forward with confidence. Don't worry. It's hard for me, too.

catch you later,

"Small steps every day." // unknown

Sunday, April 26, 2015


Do you remember when I said that Sunday would be the day that I would blog about working out and getting fit? When did I last talk about that? Oh, you don't remember? Well, that's great. I don't remember either. I wish I could write that I had been exercising a ton during these last few weeks. As it happens, I would be lying by telling you that. What I should really tell you is that I've been eating way too many carbs and I've left my yoga mat in my dorm room for the past three weeks. 

As I happen to have a ton of homework and live a fairly busy life, I don't have a lot of time to discuss why I've not been exercising. I just haven't been doing it. So, this week hopefully I will be able to take some more time to get back in touch with working out. Maybe you will hit the gym some this week too. 

catch you later,

"Think of workouts as important meetings you've scheduled with yourself. Bosses don't cancel." // unknown

Saturday, April 25, 2015


It is not often that we get to have days where no one calls on us for anything. I really enjoy being busy. Having a lot of things to do keeps me happy and I feel much more successful. There are some days though that you need to just take a lot of naps. Today has been one of those days for me. I was
meant to do a bit of homework, though none of it is really due until Wednesday. I did a bit of it and then I took a nap and then another one.

Sometimes it's nice to just set everything off to the side, close your eyes and pretend it doesn't exist. I did all of that today and I feel great about it. Tomorrow, I'll be a bit nervous about all of the studying I need to but for now, naps are the pressing thing. 

So, I encourage all of you to take this weekend off and go take some naps. Have some fun, while you're at it. 

catch you later,

"Sometimes you just need to take a nap and get over it." // Maura Stuard, age 8

Friday, April 24, 2015


Have you ever seen the movie Moulin Rouge? I really adore this movie, maybe because Nicole Kidman plays a burlesque dancer with tuberculosis and breaks my heart. That's not the actual reason, but I always find that when I watch this movie I notice that there is a ton of attention to detail. I've always thought it would be neat to analyze the use of foreshadowing and the themes within the film. God, I'm lame. 

In the beginning of the film, the scenes constantly flip between happy and sad -- for lack of better terms -- and it serves to be such an interesting use of foreshadowing to me. The flashes of Satine going from a gasping dancer to a dancer gasping for her last breath happen in the very beginning of the film, showing that her life will definitely not be as pleasing as her dancer numbers.

Christian serves as a character that forces you to empathize with him, forces you to love Satine with no fear. As he types up their story, he manages to portray all of her fear as if he'd had them himself. And perhaps he had, possibly he had felt fearful of the Duke, but was so wrapped up in the thrill of their affair that he pushed them aside and focused fully on their lives and what they could achieve together. He imagines them living happily ever after, though he knows nothing of Satine's disease.

This movie is definitely one of my favorites, because of the use of popular songs, clever foreshadowing and Ewan McGregor. I definitely suggest that you take some time during the weekend to watch it. You won't be disappointed.

catch you later,

"Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. And then, one not-so-very special day, I went to my typewriter, I sat down, and I wrote our story." // Christian, Moulin Rouge

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Today, I would really like for us to talk about goals. It's really easy to say that in a few years we would like to have these things while doing those things and that the combination of those things would make us the happiest folks around. I definitely see myself in fifteen years (I'll be 35, just so you know) married with maybe two kids, working at a college while writing a novel and taking regular summer trips around the world. Will these things happen? Who knows, but I'm banking on them.

Goals are defined as "an aim or desired result" and from the moment you turn sixteen will be the main thing that people will to know about you. Goals are mixed in with your wants, but they are the end of your wants. In interviews, you will almost always be asked about your goals and that's why it is so important to have some. If you say, "Oh, well I don't have any goals" then no one will want you on their team. People who have somewhat of an end that they are trying to reach are the people that others often find quite inspiring. Of course, not having certain ends is okay as well. The thing about goals is that they don't always have to be exactly what happens in ten years. 

A lot of things can happen in ten years -- heck, your whole life can change in one minute -- and if your goals at sixteen are different than your goals at thirty, then that is perfectly normal. The picture explains setting goals, fairly accurately. Whether your goals are short- or long-term, you should always make a plan for them and then actively work at them until you meet your goals. Goals are really just basic outlines for how you plan your life out. They can be quite in depth or so vague that even you can't quite figure out what you want. I had a teacher that taught us to use sentence outlines and then later said we could just use word outlines if we wanted. I guess goals are somewhat like that. You can plan them out very thoroughly, so that you only have to put them into action. Or you can leave room for imagination and chance to play a part later on. 

It doesn't really matter how thoroughly you plan your goals. You should just have them.

catch you later,

"Ask yourself if what you're doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow." // unknown

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


I really do not enjoy the end of the school year. It always adds up to be this giant ball of stress and chaos. I have a good few things that are finally coming to an end and I have way too much work to do. Due to this large amount of work, I think we should have a little chat about time management. Mind that this may not be the best post, as I am not the best at time management.
The first thing you should do when managing your time is buy a planner. Planners are God's gift to obsessive folks like me. If you aren't one for writing things down, then use the calender in your phone and set them to alert you the day before. The one downside to a planner is that it will not remind me that I'm supposed to take my midterm tomorrow like my phone will. 

Another good idea for time management is to make lists. Make tiny check boxes next to some bullet points of all the tasks you have to complete. Tick them as you finish them so that you can feel accomplished. I love the feeling of ticking a box or crossing things off a list. 

Now, instead of talking about time management, I have to actually do some work. 

catch you later,

"Time is what we want most, but what we use worst." // William Penn

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


I remember once being told that I should never tell others of the things people had said about them if they were not good things. You know what I mean. It can definitely ruin your day if someone comes up to you and lets you know that one of your friends was telling everyone in the break room that you've gained weight or that you failed a test. Those kind of phrases should not be redirected to us. 

I happen to agree with this teacher. Some of you might feel differently, but I think that it's nice to remain blind to people's real opinions of us. It is nice to believe that they enjoy our company and think our jokes are really funny. It's nice to know that people aren't pretending around you. However, life is not as we always imagine and people do not always like us. That's super normal. 

If you actually liked everyone you met, then you would be an absolutely amazing person. Not liking everyone does not make you not amazing; it makes you human. Like I said before though, you wouldn't want people to tell you what others have said about you. Basically, you shouldn't talk about people in a way that you wouldn't want them to know about. We aren't always nice about our friends or our peers. Basically, you and I should both work on being nicer to the people around us. 

catch you later,

“He shot an arrow and it missed me, so why have you picked it up to stab me with it?” // unknown

Monday, April 20, 2015


It is not everyday that you meet people that truly care about you. In your lifetime, you will meet a ton of people and some of them will be in your life for a very long time. Sometimes they come in and out periodically. The important thing to remember about these people is that, if they stick by you for a long time, they probably care a good deal about you. Obviously, this is not always the case. Sometimes it is just very convenient for us to be friends with certain people at certain times. 

 It's hard to always be able to understand why people act the way that they do, why they make the decisions that they make. When it comes down to your friends, the people that really care about you, it's hard to understand them all the time. Sometimes you figure them out quickly and sometimes you don't. I don't like math very much and I think it's because I don't always appreciate a clear and concise answer. Answers to life's questions should be a little roomy, they should be flexible because people are different.

I express my approval of and love for people through sarcasm. I don't really know why I do it -- probably a defense mechanism -- but I've acted like that my entire life. I think sometimes I should change around different people but then I don't know if I would be me... I just hope the people around me can read through the sarcasm sometimes.

catch you later,

"A healthy relationship is one where two independent people just make a deal that they will help make the other person be the best version of themselves."// unknown

Sunday, April 19, 2015


I really enjoy traveling. It is probably one of my most favorite things to do. It is a really extraordinary experience to visit a city that other people call home. Places that we don't think of as an actual place to set up camp are the places that other people find to be the most comforting. They know the back roads and the best places to eat; they don't have to rely on a map and anonymous reviews on the Internet.

Visiting other places is an amazing experience. You are offered to look at the world from their viewpoint, to view life from their backyard. If you have the opportunity to visit somewhere you've never been, consider it an adventure. The world is full of wonderful and exciting cities. Everywhere you go has a rich history, even if it doesn't have a guided tour or a souvenir shop down every couple of blocks. The places that you explore will offer you new experiences, will give you a new way to look at life.  Traveling broadens your mind and forces you to find beauty in even the smallest of places. 

catch you later, 

“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” // Gustave Flaubert

Saturday, April 18, 2015


Today is my last full day in San Antonio. I'm actually really sad about going home which is odd because I am a major homebody. I guess there is something that really draws me to travel and explore the areas around me. I've had a super awesome time on this trip. I've visited the Alamo, rode a gondola, went to a carnival, and loved literally every minute. I'm really sad to go home, but I'm also excited to see my mom. 

It'll be hard to return to the reality of school and assignments after this week. I think the worse part of a trip is going home. I'll be sure to share some pictures in the next few days. I know this is short, but I have less than twenty four hours here and I plan to enjoy every minute of it. 

catch you later,

"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page." // Augustine of Hippo

Friday, April 17, 2015


I did something that was probably really stupid last night, but I had the best time ever. Whenever I'm out of town, I don't like to head back to the hotel early. I'm young and I really enjoy exploring, so when a couple asked a friend and I if we were headed to the carnival, we decided that we were.

Following two people you don't know over busy roads and under bridges in a big city is not really a good idea but usually it leads to something exciting. For the first time since I've been twenty, I actually felt like I was doing something a twenty year old would do. The carnival was amazing, as far as carnivals go. We bought five tickets each and rode a few rides. It all felt very dangerous and exciting. It was a huge thrill. The walk back was a little terrifying, because we had to rely on google maps but it was a really great time. 

Today, I encourage you to do something that might be a little scary, maybe not following strangers, but something that you wouldn't normally do. It'll be good for you. Trust me. 

catch you later,

"In extraordinary times, the ordinary takes on a glow and wonder all of its own." // Mike A. Lancaster

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Someone told me that I should talk about procrastination today. I thought about doing it later on but then I remembered that I would be procrastinating writing something about procrastination. I like to think I'm not a procrastinator but I kinda am. I think it all depends on what I have to do.

Are you like that? If I want to do something or if I know it will make life easier for me down the road, I will tackle my projects head on. However, if it doesn't seem like it will make a difference either way, then I will put it off forever. Sometimes I mistake procrastination with being busy. If you are too busy, you may not be able to complete something. If you put it off for too long, you also won't be able to complete it. The difference is the want to do it. 

What I've learned from procrastinating is that no matter how much you don't feel like doing something, the anxiety and stress you feel doing it the night before will be ten times worse. Get your crap done early. You'll thank yourself later. 

catch you later

"I never put off till tomorrow what I can possibly do - the day after." // Oscar Wilde 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Sometimes things don't go the way you plan. You must adapt to new situations, to sudden changes. It's not always easy, especially if you have been doing something a certain way for a very long time. However, adaptability is a great trait because it shows that you aren't afraid of new steps.

I love and hate change. I adapt to new situations quite well but if I have the option to remain in the same place, I will. There is something so awfully intimidating about change that makes it so scary. We will always have to change and adapt though, so it is better to look at change as a new experience. Look at it as turning the page into a new and exciting chapter. Embrace it. 

catch you later,

"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like." // Lao Tzu

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


The first time that I went to the beach my family forgot basically everything except bathing suits. I remember my grandmother and mother forgetting to bring hairbrushes. I think this experience is what makes me over-pack now. I have a big trip coming up -- actually I leave tomorrow -- and I am just an awful packer. I tried to pack my suitcase last night and then as I was going to bed, I suddenly realized that I had left a ton of things out. 

I don't know why I get so afraid of forgetting things. It's not a big deal when you forget the things you need when you are on a trip, usually you can just go buy them later. So, I'm going to go now and try to repack my suitcase with all of the other things that I might need and then we shall see if I have gathered all of the correct stuff.

catch you later,

"To live will be an awfully big adventure." // Peter Pan

Monday, April 13, 2015


I remember when I first really thought about writing as a career. I was in my junior year of high school and we were reading "Strawberry Spring" by Stephen King. That short story is one of the best short stories that I've ever read -- even surpassing "The Yellow Wallpaper," which I have always loved. My teacher was reading over some back story on Stephen King and she mentioned that he would sell short tales to his peers while in school. He actually got in some trouble for it, but it was his first real taste at writing for money and for other people. I think it always nice to remember that writers almost always write mainly for themselves -- other people reading it and liking the works is just a plus. 

When we read "Strawberry Spring," I had my first real taste of a short story with twists and turns. I really encourage everyone to take the time to read it, or anything by Stephen King. He's written many really wonderful things, not all of them horror.  I remember also finding out that Stand By Me was based on a work by Stephen King. Stand By Me is honestly one of my favorite films. I recommend it to everyone.

Anyway, I had my first actual ideas for writing for the rest of my life when we read "Strawberry Spring." I had always wanted to write, but reading that short story really inspired me to do it for real, to write for real. And now I do it everyday... It's pretty crazy how my life has moved since my junior year of high school.

catch you later,

"I can hear my wife as I write this, in the next room, crying.  She thinks I was with another woman last night. And oh dear God, I think so too." // Strawberry Spring, Stephen King

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Today is going to be fairly busy, I feel. I have three tests that I haven't really studied for in the next two days and I have to pack my suitcase for my trip to Texas. Do you ever have this feeling that your entire body is tired and you should just nap? I only ever get that feeling when I have a ton of work to do. Today, I guess we can just talk about some more study habits -- it is what I should be doing after all. Let's talk about how to take notes.
When I was younger -- and sometimes now -- I would often rewrite my notes so that they would be nicer to read and easier to study. I usually just rewrite them so that it's neater but you can rewrite your notes in a format that is better for you to use when you study, maybe something like the Cornell method. This method is great if you like things broken down into sections. Using different colors for different sections, like red for vocabulary words or green for dates, is also a really great idea because it helps your brain to zero in on that one section.

It's a really great idea to summarize your notes too. I often will leave a class not really knowing what I wrote down off the projector, especially if the class goes over a lot of different material. Going back and rereading or rewriting your notes will help you to summarize so that you can know exactly what you did study that day in class. 

Overall it's just a really great idea to go back and rewrite your notes. Not only will you make them nicer to read later, but rewriting them will definitely help you remember the information.

catch you later,

"A’s over Baes" // unknown

Saturday, April 11, 2015


I am a very big fan of Walt Whitman. I think there are a lot of things to learn from him, especially as a writer. He talks of self love and the declaration of self love and how important it is to a person. If you have ever seen "The Dead Poets Society," they recite the lines "O Captain! my Captain!" which is from Whitman. It's a line that is used in one of the most pivotal points in the film and it's a really beautiful scene. 

In "Song of Myself," Whitman writes "I celebrate myself and I sing myself." These are my favorite lines from Whitman. I really think they are some of the most beautiful words because they really tell you what he was all about. At the beginning and ending of every day, you must fully love and celebrate yourself so that you can be yourself, completely. That's some pretty inspiring stuff.

So today, you should go read Whitman. He'll do you some good.

catch you later,

''And I will show that nothing can happen more beautiful than death.'' // Walt Whitman

Friday, April 10, 2015


This morning, day 100 of 365, I woke up this awesome message:

This is a very exciting day, for many reasons. I'm super thrilled that we have been together for 100 days. We have been meeting here everyday to have a chat about some random crap, whatever I spit at you for about 200-300 words. I cannot believe that this is day 100. Do you feel like my boyfriend? A boyfriend that only calls me once a day, listens to me rant for a bit and then leaves me until the next day...

I'm glad we aren't dating. I am glad, though, that we have been meeting here for 100 really awesome days. I cannot wait to spend the next 265 together. A lot of exciting things are coming up soon and I look forward to sharing them with you. I wish that you could share back to me; it would be great if you could respond... Until then, I'm glad to come share with you everyday. Here's to 265 more awesome posts/days!

catch you later,

"Be productive everyday." // unknown

Thursday, April 9, 2015


You should always be careful about what you say. When people tell you things that are personal or if they ask you not to share something with others, then you don't tell other people. It should go without saying that this rule does not apply if what they tell you will put them or others in danger. However, it is super important for you to be able to keep some things to yourself. I have only ever known one person who I could tell absolutely everything to, but some people are different. Some people do not feel the need to keep a lot of things to themselves or to only tell certain people. 

If people don't mind who finds out their personal stuff, you still shouldn't tell others without their permission. If someone asks you not to tell people what they've shared or if you know that they do not share information lightly, then you should not ever tell someone else what they've told you.

Basically, I think you should keep your mouth shut when it involves other people. Recently I had someone very close to me tell something that I asked them not to. I don't want this to affect our relationship, but it has. She knows an awful lot about me -- nearly, if not, everything -- and it scares me now that she might tell other people that stuff that she knows. Now, I don't really think she will because I know she feels awful about it. However, it is really upsetting to me.

So what I want you to take from this is that when you tell other people's information in a way that slightly goes against them, you should know that it will affect your relationship when they find out. And sadly, it will probably be in a negative way. It takes a long time to get over stuff like this and I'm definitely praying for the ability to let go, to forgive and forget this.

catch you later,

"Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can be only forgiven, not forgotten." // unknown

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


I keep babies, as most people know. I know a lot about babies and I'm pretty good with kids so it's a job that I really enjoy. I didn't used to like kids... They are always dirty or sick or crying -- this is all true, by the way -- and they can't talk to you. As I started to work with them, I fell in love with them. They are so much smarter than you think. I especially like when kids talk. Tonight, I had a conversation with a little girl that was entirely about the polka-dots on my outfit. 

It's a really neat thing to me that we were all children once. We come into the world as a fairly blank slate and it is up to the people around us to help us grow into the people that we are to become. Everything that happens to you from birth makes you into the adult you will become. We are molded into the people that we are meant to be. That's a really neat idea to me. 

I really love that the babies that I keep will grow up to do awesome stuff. They will go to school and play sports and help people and take trips. They will experience as much as they can while they can. The world is a smorgasbord; they can and will do everything.

So, if you spend time around kids -- whether you love or hate them -- it's super important to nurture them. Let them tell you things that have no meaning. Let them point out all of the polka-dots on your shirt. They deserve your attention and affection. 

catch you later,

"The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice." // Peggy O'Mara

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


I almost forgot you guys today. I've been up since about six this morning and have had one hell of a day. I got an email that kinda set me off on the wrong foot this morning and laid on my mind for a good while. And then I got extremely emotional and had a small cry in my car -- I treated myself to a chocolate milkshake after it so that I could feel a bit better. I took some photos, went to an awards ceremony and then out to eat. Now I'm tucked into bed, yawning helplessly with my mother on speaker phone.

I attempted to start Paradise Lost tonight, but it was a bit too boring for someone who was almost falling asleep. Perhaps I'll take the time tomorrow to keep reading on it. There is a lot happening in the next couple of weeks, guys. Don't let me forget about you. 

I'm really happy that I decided to do this blog. I don't really know if it has helped me with my writing, but it has helped me to learn how to stick to a task. I'm not the best at keeping up with stuff. At least, I wasn't when I was a little girl. I think I've gotten better at it now, thankfully. This is really the ultimate test I think. 

If I can finish this, I can make myself do anything.

catch you later,

"I already want to take a nap tomorrow." // unknown

Monday, April 6, 2015


Tonight I have had a lesson in unconditional love. There is no real way to explain unconditional love, but when you feel it... you know what it is. I have never understood it, like truly understood some of it until tonight. I have to tell you that it is absolutely amazing to know that you can feel that way for someone... We are these wretched things and the idea that we can show love to someone else -- full love with no conditions -- is incredible to me. 

So I think maybe it is a good idea to contemplate what unconditional love is and how you engage in it. I don't know... this is just something to think about tonight. I sadly don't have that much to say tonight... I promise to leave you guys a long one tomorrow.

catch you later,

"Love someone for who they are, not for who you want them to be." // unknown

Sunday, April 5, 2015


As far as exercise goes this week, I think I've burnt most of my calories via my anxiety and random bursts of excitement. This past week was filled with a lot of fun things and I am proud to say that I did break out my purple yoga mat during the beginning of the week. Like I've said before, gyms are just not for me. I know I've told you before why I don't like gyms... but I just really don't like them at all. 

This week I actually asked my roommate to leave so that I could embarrass myself alone. Thankfully she was nice enough to let me work myself into a sweat by myself. I tackled more of Cassey Ho's videos this week. Once again I did the "What Makes You Bootyful Challenge" and the "Victoria's Secret Model Ab Workout." While it is safe to say that my abs did hurt at the end, Victoria's Secret has not called me for their next fashion show. It's a loss on their part, I believe.

I did that for two nights, and then I got caught up in a whirlwind of excitement in the latter part of the week. I don't really want to go into details on it, but I would really appreciate if you guys would send some prayers, thoughts or good vibes my way tomorrow morning. It would me a lot. Hopefully, there will be even more to report on the fitness front next week.

catch you later,

"Good things come to those who sweat." // unknown

Saturday, April 4, 2015


One of my favorite things about people is that we are made up of other people. Every person that we've ever spent time around has affected us in some way, but we are still so individual. For example, I have spent a large amount of time around my mother. She's my best friend and sometimes I'll see myself doing something that she does without even realizing it. I do the same thing with my grandmother's actions. I also use the word "babe" a lot and have known my friends to pick it up because they hear me say it so often. 

I think it's important for us to remember that everything we do around other people is received by them. If you are constantly negative around people, then they will notice that and find themselves being negative as well. (Don't be surprised to find them telling you "goodbye" because you make them feel bad.)

I don't have too much to say about this really, but I just want you to remember that you are made up of your experiences with people and that you make up other people. We aren't here alone; we are all completely together. We make up each other. Without one person being in your life, you would be totally different. I don't know... That's just an interesting thought to me.

catch you later,

"You still have a lot of time to make yourself be what you want."// S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders

Friday, April 3, 2015


I'm reading Paradise Lost: Book I for a project in one of my classes and I've been trying to build myself up by reading some shortened versions before actually reading it. I'm always a bit intimidated by independent studies, mainly because I could have this entire idea settled in my mind and it could be completely wrong. This is why I've been reading the overviews; I want to have a clear picture as I am reading the actual text.

Paradise Lost is basically the Book of Genesis told from Satan's point of view. It accounts his thoughts on being banished from Heaven and what he and the other angels plan to do now. The answer to that? They plan to pervert all of God's plans. That's all I really have so far. I'm really looking forward to reading it, because it apparently is involved in the background of many novels. So as I get started reading this, -- which I plan to do this weekend -- let's have a chat about how to analyze literature by yourself. It's hard, let me tell you, but you can do it.
You will need:
  • post-it notes
  • hi-lighters [in various colors, if possible]
  • a reliable website with an overview of your text [two sites, if possible]
  • pencils/pens
  • a great attitude
If you go into this project with a negative viewpoint, it's going to be even more difficult. You can analyze text by yourself, trust me.

So, I'm going to chat about this in the way that I plan to approach my own studying of Paradise Lost. First, read an overview of the text. Reading works that are written in a different dialogue than we use regularly is difficult, so it's better to either read a few pages and then consult the overview. You could also read the overview first. I definitely don't suggest reading the original text first and then reading the overview, because it will be super difficult to find important parts later, so that you can make notes.

As you read, be sure to mark different parts of the text. If you know what to look for as far as questions or projects go, always look out for them. If you don't really have a good idea as far as the long run, mark places that seem important to you; I suggest doing this with post-its as you can move them. After you finish the text, try to get with someone in the class and discuss the reading if you can. If you cannot, try and look up some forums online. See what other people gained form the text, take note of the parts that were important to them. Find out if you agree or disagree with them. Once you have read the literature and made notes, then you are really ready for your assignment -- whatever that may be.

catch you later,

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” / Paradise Lost

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Whenever I am going to be in a situation that I've never been in before, I have to know as much about it as possible. I'm quite anal about things and I really like to be prepared. What I am basically saying is that I'm not very good at surprises. This is weird to some people, I suppose. A lot of people enjoy the excitement in the unknown.

Well, not me. So, as I attempt to embrace the brand new exchanges that are about to happen with me, let's talk about why I'm like that -- and maybe, why you are like that too.

Have you ever heard that song called "Control" by Janet Jackson? What about the song "No Control" by One Direction? Now both of those songs talk about a slightly different type of control, but the reason that I do not like the unknown is just that -- I do not like when I am not in control of a situation. I just like to feel like I have a complete understanding and am not being left out of any information. I don't know why I'm like that... Maybe I never will. But at least I know why I am freaked out about the things I have to do, things that I know little to nothing about.

And it's good, every now and then, to remind myself that I don't always have to be in control.

catch you later,

"That's right, I'm on my own,
I'll call my own shots, thank you"
// Control, Janet Jackson

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


I have had the craziest day ever. For it being April Fool's Day, you would have imagined it to be quite hectic. It was a little wild for good reasons though. I don't think I'm going to write a lot today. I think I might have had four heart attacks today and I've been shaking like a leaf since about nine. It's all been kinda crazy. 

So, I'm going to make today short and remind you to thank the Lord for everything. Sometimes He shows you things that could happen but won't. Sometimes He plants things that will grow for ages. You never know. Just remember to be happy that He's with you at all. 

catch you later,

"Happiness is only real when shared." // Into the Wild