Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Worrying over things will not change their outcome. I know this, but I still worry. I know that if I stress over my grades or others' actions, I will not actually change those things. However, I cannot help but to worry over the events around me. It is apparently just in my nature. 

Recently, I did some extra stuff for someone -- wow, how weirdly worded -- so that I could benefit myself. They knew that it was for my benefit, so no worries on that front; however, they refused to hold their end of the bargain up on the same day. Needless to say, I was a little bit furious, but then I was also a whole lot of nervous. What if they didn't help me out like they said they would? What if they had just lied so that, at first, I would be helping them and they wouldn't have to hold out on the deal?

I worried about this all weekend -- except for Sunday, because I had bigger priorities that day -- and do you know what I helped? Do you know what I changed about the outcome?


This morning I received an email from that person saying that they had held up their end of the deal. Basically, you can worry about everything. You can worry from the time the sun rises to when it sets, and you still won't change the way that events will turn out. I used to know someone who would always say that everything would be okay -- it was her response to basically everything -- and, though it annoyed me when I was close to her, it was a really great way to look at the stressful parts of life.

catch you later,

“I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them have never happened.” // Mark Twin

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